Photo galleryWe have more pictures than we know what to do with! But every so often, we get into a mood to watch slides or clean out older trays... And when we do, we're often inspired to scan a few images for this page. The thumbnail images show the size of the larger version you'll get when you click them. When I get a chance, I try to put up a page with a recent month's images as a sort of visual diary... |
May 1999: Laurie and George at a Georgian Bay beach near their Kincardine area home. The water is so clear and the rocks are so round... |
New Years 2000: Laurie reading a new Rupert book to David and Trevor. |
January 2000: Chico and Tigger sparring on the ice on our pond. At the time, it was 2' thick. |
May 2000: Marsh marigolds are amongst the first flowers of spring in the creek feeding our pond. The spread by bits breaking off and anchoring downstream. |
July 1999: It was hard to pick this beauty and its bud. The Mackintosh variety name will be obvious to anyone vamiliar with Charles Rennie Mackintosh designs. |
June 2000: A doe and her twin fawns dash across our east meadow. They'd been grazing near fresh-cut bales of hay and we were able to get a sequence of them running. |
May-June 2000: The peonies are amongst the first to bloom and they do it with such vigour! Katharine is tending to the soon-to-bloom lilies. |
Then the colours really begin: iris, lupins and phlox, with their almost day-glow mauves. |
July 2000: All the tending works wonders! But those tiger lilies seem a bit thick... |
Thanksgiving 2000: Typical eastern hardwood forest this was up at the cottage along Moisseaux Creek. |
August 2000: Now who is that guy and isn't his hair a bit too thick??? (It looks good on you Greg!) |
August 2000: So if you had an orchard like this, wouldn't you give tours too? Steve in his element during Mom & Dad's 50th anniversary celebrations in Summerland. |
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