Howarth family reunion

Howarth family reunion
California March 2001
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A few images from our visit to Katharine's uncle and aunt's place in Palm Desert in March 2001. It was the first time Katharine, John and their US cousins had ever all been together at once.

Tips for viewing these images: When you click on the small versions (thumbnails), your browser will start loading the larger version. Since they are large, they'll take a while to load. You can be more efficient by clicking on the thumbnail with the RIGHT mouse button and choosing "Open in new window." When the image starts to load, you can switch back to this page again to continue. You should be able to have 4 windows loading simultaneously. Also, if you want to save this (or any other) image onto your own computer, right-button click on the large sized image (after it is fully loaded) and choose the "Save Picture As" menu.

howarthsprint.jpg (685K; 865x582 pixels

From the left: John, Emily, Jennifer, Peggy, Jay, Jane, Barbara and Joe.
Taken with Eric's digital camera; luckily, a "pro" managed to get everyone to pose!

This next image is a panorama created by "stitching" together several images. If you look closely, you'll see that there are some distortions caused by having used a angle setting. You'll need to scroll horizontally to see everything in both larger images; and vertically as well for the biggest one.

92K version (1303x501 pixels) or a 461K version (3060x1121 pixels)

And here's a closer view of the water garden:

howarth_falls.jpg (57K)


And a few more people pictures...

Now doesn't that look healthy!
Peggy and Denyse put the final touches on an amazing salad for 16...

Three generations: Jay and Peggy; Emily and Robbie.

3ghowarths.jpg (71K; 640x635 pixels)


katharine.jpg (63K; 556x543 pixels)

Jane and Richard.

jane_richard.jpg (90K; 740x622 pixels)


Top    This page was last updated on 06 December 2001