Canoeing down the Black RiverEach thumbnail is linked to a larger version of the image. When a selected image is opened in a new window, you should be able to save it as a file on your own computer. Displayed under each thumbnail are the file name (from the camera), file size, dimensions in pixels, and a caption. All images were taken with a Nikon CoolPix 990 camera and adjusted using ThumbsPlus. Eric Fletcher | |||
DSCN5706w.JPG 70.49 Kb; 525x469x24(RGB) 7 September 2002. Norbert the BBQ-meister preparing the fuel for intensive paddling the next morning? |
DSCN5709w.JPG 46.52 Kb; 600x328x24(RGB) 8 September 2002. Ready to roll... on the beach at the cottage. |
DSCN5726w.JPG 52.05 Kb; 400x485x24(RGB) 8 September 2002. Leila & Norbert entering the outlet of Lac Vert, an old canal dredged by horse power to get the winter-cut logs to the river. | |
DSCN5732w.JPG 80.56 Kb; 600x367x24(RGB) 8 September 2002. Crossing the beaver barrier at the end of the canal between Lac Vert and the Black River. (Fred, Lynne, Mareen & Richard) |
DSCN5738w.JPG 55.17 Kb; 596x281x24(RGB) 8 September 2002. Getting cooler before the first snack break at the Black River. |
DSCN5742w.JPG 49.99 Kb; 600x349x24(RGB) 8 September 2002. Richard & Val, and Norbert & Leila approaching the bridge at the Black River Inn. Hard to imagine that the water flowed over it earlier this year! | |
DSCN5751w.JPG 86.18 Kb; 600x550x24(RGB) 8 September 2002. Maureen and Richard tackle the "swift" water. |
DSCN5762w.JPG 78.69 Kb; 600x467x24(RGB) 8 September 2002. Lynne staying cool at our lunch stop. |
DSCN5757w.JPG 73.91 Kb; 800x453x24(RGB) 8 September 2002. Canoeing down the Black River on a hot (33C) late summer day. | |
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the cottage area (When this opens in Google Earth, it links to ~500KB of overlay files on our website. Best viewed with high-speed!) |
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Last updated February 19, 2006 |